Something is Happening: Bob Dylan & the Psyche I
with Todd Dean, MD
Join us Thursday, March 2, 9, and 16, at 6:30 p.m. / $270 / 4.5 Credits / Intermediate / Location TBD
In this class, we will study songs from Bob Dylan’s early career to see how they speak to the way the psyche is structured, both in terms of their verbal description of how the mind works as well as the musical presentation of the songs: it will be remembered that changing from acoustic performance to electric was a very controversial move early in Dylan’s career: that is also relevant to this theme. We will talk about the connections between Dylan’s work and psychoanalytic theory as it is manifested in both clinical and theoretical work today. Perhaps most important, we will explore the ways in which Dylan’s songs illustrate the links between the psychological and the social worlds.
Click HERE for Continuing Education Credit details