Early Career Professionals
“Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” — Theodore Roosevelt
The Institute is a unique setting for those in the helping professions to come together, interact and learn. Especially for those new to the field of mental health and/or new to psychodynamic psychotherapy and psychoanalysis, the St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute community can help you begin to deepen your practice and understanding.
“For most mental health professionals, the graduate training experience does not fully prepare one to be a skilled, knowledgeable and confident therapist. While we continue to learn from our patients throughout our professional lives, we believe that advanced formal training is crucial to our efforts to provide the highest level of clinical competence. (These) programs are designed to enrich psychotherapeutic skills and to provide a background in psychodynamic principles and the theoretical basis of clinical work.” — American Psychoanalytic Association
Explore this page for resources about Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis.