We are a Community – Let’s stay together.
During this time, we realize there may be a flood of emotions. Whether you feel isolated due to social distancing, grief over missed events or gatherings, or even feelings of anxiousness over chances of falling ill. We’ve compiled a list of resources to help during this time.
Other Links to Explore
A letter from the Public Advocacy Department of the American Psychoanalytic Association HERE
My Epidemic Story HERE
CDC Guidance: Older adults to “stay at home as much as possible” HERE
Letter on COVID-19 from a Psychoanalyst in Cleveland HERE
Katie Virant’s “Chronically Me: Chronic Illness and Coronavirus” HERE
Articles from the American Psychoanalytic Association: Psychoanalysis Unplugged
The Coronavirus Pandemic Can Evoke Memories from Our Past HERE
The Need to Be Listened To HERE
Irrationality in the Time of Coronavirus HERE
Psychological Responses to Quarantine: What to Expect and Do HERE
Podcasts, Lectures and Videos
“Marilia Aisenstein, an analyst who lives and practices in Paris, talks in this short interview about her experience of working with her patients, remotely, in this time of the COVID-19 crisis. She speaks of needing “a community of soft denial,” which allows us to function analytically, in the face of so much risk of illness and death. Listen to this brief interview for some of her observations.” – Phoebe Cirio, President –> Episode 43: A Report from Paris with Marilia Aisenstein HERE