The Institute provides timely and topical Lectures and Seminars for free viewing on our YouTube Channel.
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⇒Hyman H. Fingert, MD Lecture: Truth, Reconciliation, and Reparation with Paula Christian Kliger, PhD -Taking the position that a road paved with truth, reconciliation, and reparation is the road less traveled in our racial and sociocultural healing and our search for human resonance, this presentation seeks to face our toxic history and asks the question “How do we heal?” It also asks the question “How do we move to sharing power and human resonance in our diverse world, given our cumulative trauma of prejudice, discrimination, racism, immeasurable global human suffering, cruelty, domination, oppression, home-grown domestic and police violence, war, and genocide?” Watch HERE.
⇒I.H. Cohn, MD Lecture 2024: Racial Socialization for Black Boys: A Culturally Competent Psychodynamic Analysis with Huey Hawkins Jr., PhD, LCSW –Dr. Huey Hawkins Jr. uses the knowledge he has gained from over 20 years in practice to prepare the clinician: (1) to understand normative psychological experiences of racism for Black boys; (2) to cultivate a positive racial identity for Black boys; and (3) to teach Black boys ways to navigate safety in harmful racist environments. Watch HERE.
⇒ When Children are Fearful – A Conversation with Dr. Lourdes Henares-Levy – Child psychotherapist and Institute Faculty Member Lourdes Henares, MD, offers down-to-earth advice to parents, teachers, counselors, and all who work with young children on how to best deal with a child’s fears and worries in these uncertain and sometimes frightening times. Watch HERE.
No time to watch? You can listen to this conversation as a Podcast HERE.
⇒ Cuando Los Niños Tienen Miedo: Una Conversación con la Dra. Lourdes Henares-Levy La Doctora Henares es una psicoterapeuta y psiquiatra especializado en niños y adolescentes, es miembro facultativo de el Instituto Psicoanalítico de St. Louis, MO. En este video, la Dra. Henares ofrece consejos prácticos a padres de familia, maestros, educadores y personas que trabajan con problemas de salud mental, acerca de como ayudar a niños que sufren de miedo y angustia en tiempos como el presente en donde incertidumbre de el futuro es estresante. Mira AQUI
Currently you can view these video lectures:
⇒ The Animal Within Us – Mark Solms, PhD – Dr. Mark Solms shares his understanding of human motivation, and his rethinking of historical concepts of the mind using modern neuroscience. The Lecture gives insights regarding the implications for clinical work of the changing views regarding instinctual motivation. Watch HERE.
⇒ Attachment at the Extremes – Dr. Charles Zeanah, Jr, MD – Attachment at the Extremes, lecture by Charles H. Zeanah, Jr, March 9, 2016, for the St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute. Explains the differences between patterns of attachment and disorders of attachment; the developmental benefits of establishing attachment after severe deprivation; and the differences in the course of recovery between children who were emotionally withdrawn and those who were socially indiscriminate, following an intervention of enhanced caregiving. Watch HERE.
No time to watch? You can listen to this lecture as a Podcast HERE.
⇒ Childhood Trauma in Cultural Context – Gabriel Ruiz, LCPC – When looking at what trauma “is” and how it is “experienced,” we must look at the cultural context of the child and family. when it comes to processing trauma, a child’s culture typically falls on a continuum ranging from the traumatic disruption of a child’s individual mind to the disruption of an entire community’s way of life. As teachers, clinicians, and professionals, what do we do when it is not only the child’s mind, but the child’s entire cultural way of functioning that is overwhelmed by trauma? Further, how do cultures that privilege a collective mindset mediate childhood trauma when compared to more individualistic cultures? Watch HERE.
No time to watch? You can listen to this lecture as a Podcast HERE.
⇒ Heart of the Addiction: Understanding the Behavior – Lance M. Dodes, MD – In this lecture Dr. Dodes shares innovative ways to understand and treat addiction, sheds light on the roles that physical and psychological factors play in addictive behavior, and explores the relationship between addictions and compulsions. Dr. Dodes describes how all addictions have, at their heart, unrecognized emotional factors that explain why we feel the impulse, why we feel it when we do, and what alternatives (really) work in that critical moment. Watch HERE.
⇒ Pink Parenting: Providing a Facilitating Environment for Gay & Lesbian Teens – Gary Grossman, PhD – This lecture addresses some of the unique challenges faced by gay and lesbian teens — and their parents. It provides a good overview of how best to communicate your support to your children, and how to more fully understand some of the difficulties they may be facing in their social environments. Watch HERE.