Todd Dean, MD, Dean
Sundeep Jayaprabhu, MD,
Dean of Candidates
Ann Simmons, PhD, MSW,
Admissions Committee Chair
What is Adult Psychoanalysis?
A primary function of the St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute is the training of psychoanalysts. As a treatment, psychoanalysis is based on the observation that individuals are often unaware of the connections between their emotions and their behaviors. When normal development is impaired by a conflict or trauma, the aim of treatment is the resolution of the unconscious conflicts impeding development.
Analysis is an intimate partnership between the patient and the analyst. The patient becomes aware of the underlying issues, not simply intellectually, but emotionally, through the experience with the analyst. Successful treatment increases emotional capacity, alters psychic structures, and facilitates healthy growth.
Psychoanalysts strive to listen to and understand their patients. This emphasis differentiates analysts from other mental health professionals who prescribe either medicine or behavior modification. Candidates for Adult Psychoanalytic Training require the maturity, integrity, and character necessary to function as a psychoanalyst.
The Educational Program
Adult training at the St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute is divided into three major areas:
- Four-year didactic curriculum includes theoretical and clinical coursework. Candidates are required to complete all courses and seminars outlined in the curriculum at the Institute. Classes meet on Fridays from 10:30 am – 4:00 pm from September through May. A graduation project demonstrating comprehensive knowledge of psychoanalysis is required.
- Supervised psychoanalysis of three patients: In the 2nd trimester of the program candidates may begin psychoanalytic treatment of their first patient under supervision. Candidates will conduct the analysis of three patients, including at least two genders, at a frequency of three to or five therapeutic sessions per week. (Candidates will have three different supervising analysts offering exposure to a variety of differing viewpoints. Initially, supervision is carried out weekly. Case write-ups are part of the clinical requirements.)
- Personal analysis of the candidate: Candidates will undertake a personal psychoanalysis with an Institute Training Analyst of the candidate’s choosing.
The goal of the personal analysis is to enable the candidate to confront and understand his or her own unconscious conflicts. This pursuit of self-understanding and the ability to use one’s own personality as a tool in the analysis of another is essential for effective analytic work with patients.
The following professionals are eligible to apply for Adult Psychoanalytic Training.
A) Physicians who are graduates of a school accredited by the AMA, A.A or who have equivalent training in a foreign medical school and who are in or have completed a psychiatric residency program.
B) Clinical psychologists and social workers with a doctoral level clinical degree (e.g. PhD, PsyD, DSW)
C) Social workers who hold an MSW and have completed a two year post-graduate psychotherapy program such as the Institute’s Child and Adolescent/ Adult Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Program (CA/APP) and who have 60 hours of individual supervision.
D) Other mental health professionals who have experience and training in psychodynamic psychotherapy may be eligible through a waiver process of the American Psychoanalytic Association.
E) Academics engaged in teaching or research who could benefit from the application of clinical psychoanalytic knowledge or whose expertise could contribute to psychoanalysis.
F) Academics may also apply for non-clinical training for research purposes.
G) A candidate in good standing from another Institute accredited by the American Psychoanalytic Association may apply for transfer.
How to Apply
Hit the application icon above, fill out, and hit SUBMIT, or print and mail to:
Pamela Luttrell, Programs & Services Manager
St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute
7700 Clayton Rd, Suite 200
St. Louis, MO 63117
Following submission of an application, there will be three personal/clinical interviews with faculty members. Applications are accepted and processed throughout the year.
Application Fee $300
Tuition & Course Registration Deadlines
2024-25 tuition is based on class sessions for two semesters. Tuition is subject to change annually.
Early Application deadline is April 30, 2024 and tuition is $5,858.
Regular Application deadline is June 18, 2024 and tuition is $6,060.
Late Application deadline is September 5, 2024 and tuition is $6,414.
Advanced Candidate fee: $960.00 per year. (This is for Candidates who have completed the Didactic curriculum program).
Tuition is subject to change annually.
The St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute has a commitment to students wishing to further their education through our programs. The Institute offers a variety of scholarship opportunities for its training courses. Institute scholarship applications are available within the program application.
Financial assistance, in the form of scholarships, is available from the Institute. Applicants requesting scholarships should submit by April 18 to be considered in the first round of allocations. If funds allow, the scholarship committee will consider scholarship applications received after JUNE 18 in the order received.
First Year Analytic Schedule HERE
Third Year Analytic Schedule HERE
The American Psychoanalytic Association offers external scholarships for analytic candidates.
“For most mental health professionals, the graduate training experience does not fully prepare one to be a skilled, knowledgeable and confident therapist. While we continue to learn from our patients throughout our professional lives, we believe that advanced formal training is crucial to our efforts to provide the highest level of clinical competence. (These) programs are designed to enrich psychotherapeutic skills and to provide a background in psychodynamic principles and the theoretical basis of clinical work.” — American Psychoanalytic Association
The St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
PHYSICIANS: This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of the American Psychoanalytic Association and the St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute. The American Psychoanalytic Association is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
Interested in learning more about what Institute has to offer? Click the button to fill out an Interest Form and we will provide you with information on the programs of interest to you.
Do you know someone who would be a great fit for the Analytic Training Program? Then please refer a prospective student:
For a roster of our current Candidates and Advanced Candidates in the Analytic Training Programs, click HERE.