D.W. Winnicott Society
In the fall of 2002, the St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute established the D.W. Winnicott Society to honor those who provide annual support of $1,000 or more. Winnicott members are a vital component of the Institute, and each year we extend our gratitude to those who support us with a special Winnicott celebration.
To join the Winnicott Society, contact Madeline Stroder at madelinestroder@stlpi.org or 314-361-7075 x 326.
Thank you to the 2018-2019 Winnicott Members:
Kirill & Hope Abramov
Susan Barrett
Mark & Jessica Boheim
Catherine S. Bollinger, MA, LPC
Mr. & Mrs. Hunt Bonan
Adrian E. Bracy, CPA
Andrew Chirchirillo, PhD
& Jill Medintz
Matt & Emily Coen
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cohn
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Cook
Simone Cummings, MHA, PhD
Mark Donnel
Mrs. Katherine W. Drescher
Mr. Aaron Edison
Hope Edison
Mr. Richard Engelsmann
Mrs. Sara Epstein
Ms. Lynda Fields
Steve & Linda Finerty
Kathleen Gantz
Dr. & Mrs. Volney Gay
Ms. Bettie Gershman
Peter & Catherine Krane
Anita & Jim Lamont
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence LeGrand
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis A. Levey
Mrs. Ann Liberman
Mr. Henry F. Luepke, III
Tedi & Ed Macias
Elsie Meyers, MD
James & Mary Moog
Julio Morales, MD
Mr. Robert Moriarty
Lynne Moritz, MD
Mr. & Dr. Sanford Neuman
Lenita Newberg, MSW
Dr. Stuart Ozar &
Dr. Betty Sonnenwirth
Mr. Jeffrey Panchot
Ms. Nancy Pechloff
Jacque Phillips, RN, BSN
Diane Rankin, MD
Mr. & Mrs. James Schiele
Jerome & Britt-Marie Schiller
Eliot & Dee Dee Simon
Al & Ruth Siteman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sommer
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Taylor
Paul & Nancy Tice
Robin & Charles Turner
Jacqueline Turner
Katie Willard Virant
Corporate & Foundation Members
AccuCare Home Health Care of St. Louis
George & William A. Bernoudy Foundation
Burds & Kuntz, PC
Cardinals Care
Centene Charitable Foundation
Delmar Gardens Enterprises
Edward Jones
Electrical Components International, Inc.
Emerson Charitable Trust
Episcopal Presbyterian Health Trust
Ernst & Young, LLP
Herman & Phenie Pott Foundation
John Allan Love Foundation
Lutheran Foundation of St. Louis
Mary R. & Ettie A. Jordan Foundation
Merrill Lynch
PNC Bank
Protiviti, Inc.
Regions Bank
Wells Fargo Capital Finance
World Wide Technology, Inc.