November 2019
The Betty Golde Smith Library at the St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute has 35 journal subscriptions available. Here is a sample of current articles that may be of interest to you. Please contact me at or 314-361-7075 (ext. 324) if you have questions about accessing journal articles. –David Bachman, Librarian
American Journal of Psychoanalysis (2019; issue 3) (special issue: Supervisory Experiences and Their Context) Otto Kernberg Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis (2019; issue 1) Patrick J. Mahony Journal of the American (2019; issue 3) Roy Schafer Journal of Child Psychotherapy (2019; issue 1) Joshua Holmes Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy (2019, issue 2) Susan Hart et al. Psychoanalysis, Self and Context (2019, issue 3) Sally A. Howard Psychoanalytic Dialogues (2019, issue 3) Joseba Achotegui Psychoanalytic Dialogues (2019, issue 4) Giuseppe Civitarese Psychoanalytic Inquiry (2019; issue 5) (special issue: Emerging Analytic Voices) George Bermudez Psychodynamic Review (2019; issue 4) Carl Jacobs Psychodynamic Review (2019; issue 3) Peter B. Zimmerman Psychodynamic Psychiatry (2019, issue 3) David V. Forrest, Dementia Reimagined: Building a Life of Joy and Dignity from Beginning to End, by Tia Powell (book review)
All of these journals are made available to you when you visit us at the Betty Golde Smith Library until Jan. 31st for the Institute’s move. For more information, contact David at Until then, stop by weekdays, 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.