S Berlin Brahnam, PhD, MFA
Current Positions: Faculty Member, St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute; Professor Missouri State University, Information Technology and Cyber Security.
Professional Memberships: American Psychoanalytic Association, American Psychological Association (Division 39, Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychology), On the Advisor Board of the Lifeboat Foundation.
Topics for Speaking Engagements: ChatBots and artificial therapists, Misuse and "abuse" of chatbots, and Psychoanalysis of telecommunications. Psychoanalytic Publications and related works:
- * "Comparison of in-person and screen-based analysis using communication models: A first step toward the psychoanalysis of telecommunications and its noise" in Psychoanalytic Perspectives
- * "Primordia of Après-coup, Fractal Memory, and Hidden Letters" in S: Journal of the Circle for Lacanian Ideology Critique
- *"On lacan's neglected computational model and the oedipal structure: an expanded introduction to "primordia of après-coup, fractal memory, and hidden letters: working the exercises in lacan's seminar on the purloined letter" in S: Journal of the Circle for Lacanian Ideology Critique "
- * "Therapeutic presence in mediated psychotherapy: The uncanny stranger in the room" in Interacting with Presence: HCI and the sense of presence in computer-mediated environments
- * "Theory-guided virtual reality psychotherapies: Going beyond CBT-based approaches" in Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality" in Systems and Applications, International conference on Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality
- * "To hear - To say: The mediating presence of the healing witness" in AI and Society
Recent Press:
* April 29, 2020. Interviewed by Kate Murphy for her NYTimes article "Why Zoom Is Terrible."
* April 2020. Interviewed by Daniel Faggella for Techemergence and EMERO "Calling Siri Names? You're Not Alone - A Closer Look at Misuse of AI Agents."
* 2020. Interviewed by Oscar Trimboli podcast 088: "How to listen in a video meeting."